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The Business User

Welcome to BL1 : I.T.
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"Quality and Service equal Value"

In the world of today, only a remote number of companies operate their business without the use of any form of computer or telecommunications equipment.
We would ideally like to extend our services particularly to those companies who need a computer system or network, and furthermore, to help support and drive those that already do.
As a complete B2B provider of everything under one roof, or a one-stop shop if you prefer, we can give you everything that you need to successfully maintain and manage your inventory databases, personnel files, product orders and more.
We also provide an extensive Computer Network Management Consultancy service to companies around the world who already have an established network and who are looking for more pro-active and productive ways to drive their business forward. 
Our company services operate on a number of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and they are illustrated in our documentation and white papers.  We are your answer and solution if you want to be the best and remain constantly up to date with your I.T. framework. 
We look forward to discussing your company requirements with you soon.

(c) Copyright 2005.  BL1 : I.T. Specialists Group.  All rights are reserved.

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