Every day as industries move forward, so does the necessity of professional operations support in so far as your I.T.
mainframe and networks will need to be constantly reviewed, updated and managed by a professional solutions provider.
Accepting our tender for your Support Contract not only allows us another corporate relationship with which we can share
information and help each other to become better networked and connected with other company related partners, investors and
affiliates, but also enables us to be there when you need us.
Most companies believe that they only need to 'call in an I.T. company when the computers crash'. We wish that
this was the case, to save on company time and resources, but unfortunately, the technology market does not operate like that.
Assuimng you are a major company handling thousands of pounds per day and suddenly your computer orders network crashed,
calculate the true potential of revenue that you are losing every minute! We think you will agree when we say that your
company I.T. framework needs to be monitored closely, but without an expensive price tag as most high street stores and shops
What makes BL1 : I.T. unique in their services?
We are extremely competitive and completely unique in our services of Contract Support and Network Management,
and this helps keep us apart from competitor
companies who believe that they offer better value for money.
Below are some of the key benefits that we offer you as a client;
FREE initial diagnostics assessment!
FREE no obligation quote of service!
Contracts on monthly basis - no 12 month
24 hour / 7 days a week operational
"SureCall" express 1 hour relay for new clients!
All Engineers are certified, trained Microsoft
and BT!